Ethan Joseph--Future Linguist

I know it is a bit early for me to say this with certainty, but I am pretty certain--Ethan will be a linguist.  How do I know that?  Well he has already mastered one of the most difficult and unusual languages known to man--Xhosa.  The language is one of few that has consonant clicks (like tsk! tsk! when you are expressing disapproval).  The strange thing is that he mastered the language very quickly.

Early on and now, almost a month later, Ethan has been making all kinds of noises.  One of his most prominent noises, other than a grunt (which is his primarily vocalization) is this tongue click, almost like he is licking his chops.  But he only does it when Bianca is around.  He is hungry and he sees his mommy and you will almost always get a little click click.

So that is what we have decided to call Bianca.  She is no longer mommy or Bianca but click click.   
Tony Sculimbrene