Post Christmas Great Wolf Lodge

Christmas was over...presents opened, joy had, stories told...and normally everyone has a case of the post-holiday blues.  In Ohio where the weather is more mild, its not so bad, but in New England where we annually get snow piled up over our fence, the feelings like stooping to get into a bunker.  Its time to hunker down and get to work.  But this year was different.  After Christmas we had this to look forward to:

We were all super pumped as Nanna and P-Pa had got us a night at Great Wolf Lodge.  It was a perfect way to rebound from Christmas and as you can see from the video above Isaac was seriously excited.  In fact it continued even to the hotel itself:

It was about an hour of chanting, in part because it took forever to check in.  GWL was absolutely packed.  Every spot in the lot was taken, even the islands and edges were overflowing with cars.  Perhaps it was because, while it was icy 16 degrees outside it was a perfect 85 degrees inside and inside had 300 foot water slides (which went outside, but miraculously stayed perfectly warm). 

Isaac hit a bunch of rides--the Lazy River, the slides, including the big kid slide found here (note the hairy dude...yikes naked sweater...ewww!):

and, of course, the Wave Pool.  We went in June, as Isaac's birthday present, and the difference, in just six months is incredible.  Isaac can not just touch in the Lazy River when he couldn't before, he can now walk flat footed.  It made the entire process so much more enjoyable.

We did everything we possibly could, even going outside in the hot tub.  The first day was so cold (16) that when Isaac and I went outside (Mom, being preggo couldn't even get it), my hair froze though my body stayed nice and toasty.  I can see why hotsprings do well in Iceland...its the bodily equivalent of chocolate covered pretzels.  We also had a great time playing indoor mini golf.  But the thing that Isaac loved the most was...wait for it...bowling.  GWL has a mini bowling alley, probably 1/3 the size of a real alley with proportionately smaller bowling balls, perfect for I-man.  And he just couldn't get enough.

Did you know that air time was a thing in bowling?

At the end of the two days were so wiped that we barely made it back home.  It was a great way to conclude an amazing break and the rarest of all treats--a vacation from a vacation.  Thanks again Nanna and P-Pa.  

Tony Sculimbrene