Big Man
Isaac and Dad had two firsts this weekend that are hopefully the first of many.
On Saturday night after a hard fought battle, Isaac and Dad completed their first video game together--Plants v. Zombies. It was amazing. Isaac has played video games since he was about two (Fruit Ninja) but this is the first one he was really into. He helped on EVERY SINGLE level, grabbing suns and watching for stray beasties. Here is the screenshot (taken by Isaac) of us fighting the last boss--Zomboss:
He understood the mechanics of the game and really got into finding and beating new enemies. Zomboss and Gargantuars are now part of our everyday vocabulary. Pretty awesome feat.
He understood the mechanics of the game and really got into finding and beating new enemies. Zomboss and Gargantuars are now part of our everyday vocabulary. Pretty awesome feat.
Then on Sunday night we finished our first chapter book--The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It was one on my favorite books as a kid and really opened the world up for me. Isaac was equally enthralled and had many questions about the White Witch, the mystical creatures of Narnia, and most especially Aslan. He would listen with close attention, even going so far as to lay on my shoulder as I read. It was very fun for the both of us.
There were a couple of times when we only had time to do one not both (PvZ or Narnia) and he made the choice that would make his Nanna happy every time. Big milestones--video games and chapter books.