It is ON!

Isaac has caught a fever, a fever that originates a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.  He caught it bad.  First it was watching the movies, then it was the arrival of my old AT-AT from Ohio (it is more than 30 years old and still works quite well, thank you very much).  Then it was the Clone Wars TV show, which is just fantastic (boy is kids TV so much better now than when I was a kid; Super Friends is awful and let's not even mention the Star Wars Holiday Special). 

To officially cement his status as a true Star Wars fan he often introduces himself total strangers by telling them that he was watched Star Wars.  He then asks them if they have watched Star Wars, many of whom say they have. 

But the height of the fever thus far is best seen here:

He is my Padawan learner for sure.

Tony Sculimbrene