I am here to PUMP YOU UP
Well, we had our first ultrasound with Pistachio and it went swimmingly. He is on pace for all of his growth measurements and he looked 100% healthy (boy does Bianca make great babies). Isaac went with us and got to see his baby brother for the first time and while he was excited, it was a long doctor's visit. Still, he was, as usual, a good kid. We got to see him moving and his little heart beating. It was truly amazing.
But then we got to see something that totally blew my mind. The last time we did this with Isaac the ultrasounds were good--something better than constellations, but a far cry from HD video. But with technology improvements since Isaac we got this image:
As you can see, little Pistachio is pumping iron! Look at his little right arm. The quality here is amazing. You can see the arms and the eyes and the head...everything. It blew all of us away. What a great picture of our soon to be new little guy.
But then we got to see something that totally blew my mind. The last time we did this with Isaac the ultrasounds were good--something better than constellations, but a far cry from HD video. But with technology improvements since Isaac we got this image:
As you can see, little Pistachio is pumping iron! Look at his little right arm. The quality here is amazing. You can see the arms and the eyes and the head...everything. It blew all of us away. What a great picture of our soon to be new little guy.