Isaac's First Career

First, sorry that I have been remiss.  An awesome Nanna visit, which will be a post on its own, was the reason for the delay.  Also, Sarah, there will be a post on the birthday and the cake.

Well, its happened.  It wasn't paleontologist like I had hoped, but Isaac has picked his first career.  With all of his stuffed animals, uber realistic toys, and a library of animal related books, it should have been obvious, but it wasn't. 

Isaac wants to be a vet.  Oh if Gretchen Shapiro only knew.

He has started to take care of his stuffed animals as if they were alive, no longer flinging them around as makeshift weapons.  He has gently handed me his stuffed squid, oh yes, they make them, and told me to be careful with the squid (named Jackie Nick).  He often passes England, his Snow Leopard, over to Bianca and instructs her on how to pet her nicely.  He is pouring over animal books and asking me to draw different animals.  I think these are all early stages in the "I want to be a vet" phase.  And if he became a vet, I'd be super thrilled, even if I am not so much a dog and cat person.  I could handle a pet tiger, or his latest taxonomical creation--the Booning Leopard.

Tony Sculimbrene