
All of a sudden Isaac has become positively obsessed with armpits.  Yes, you read that correctly--armpits.  He keeps asking who has armpits and if he can see our armpits, to which Nanna, Bianca, and I always oblige.  Today when we went shopping, we saw a picture of a model and she had her arms draped around her face, Vogue-style (like the Madonna song not the magazine).  She looked very alluring apparently, as Isaac instantly commented on her armpit. 

Two seconds later he told both Nanna and I: "I like boobies and armpits." 

Four year olds say the absolute funniest things in the world.  They have just enough command of the English language to know when and how to say things but not enough to know when NOT to say things.  Overall, it is a perfect combination for non-stop hilarity.
Tony Sculimbrene