Birthday Weekend

It was a Friday night and Bianca and I were both tired from a long week, but also tired from the long winter.  Bianca turns 37 on Monday and she has a pretty amazing life to show for it, so we wanted to do something fun and different.  We decided that we'd get a hotel room in the heart of Boston and go on an adventure in the city.  We also made sure it had a pool because when you have a 3 1/2 year old you could be next to the Louvre and without a pool you failed in your trip planning.

We found a good deal on a room at the Seaport in Boston, bought, and the next morning after the Saturday rituals, we headed out.  The hotel is really amazing...the beds were memory foam and the TV was an amazing uber high def machine.  Isaac was delighted and Bianca and I were as well.  We got in almost exactly at three and we were in the pool by three thirty.  It was a nice pool with a view of the harbor and Isaac showed off some of his new swimming moves.  He was able to kick is way the whole length of the pool using a kickboard.  He also did a bit of free swimming between Bianca and I.  Overall it was pretty impressive.

For dinner we wanted some authentic chow so we skipped the fancy, new places and found a small seafood place that had been in the same location for over 90 years.  Bianca got a delicious bit of fish and chips and I got a lobster that I split with the I-man.


Isaac was thrilled with the IDEA of lobster, but less taken with the actual eating of the lobster.  He liked the claw meat, but not so much the knuckle (heresy I know).  He REALLY like the corn and playing with the lobster's anntena.  The lobster was actually very good, incredibly fresh, seeing as the ocean was actually under our feet as the restaurant was built on a pier.  

The next day we...yes...went to the pool again.  While the memory foam mattresses seemed good in theory, they took my tweaked back and made it an outright wreck (tweaking your back is pretty common when you play with a 3 1/2 year old).  I could barely sit up and had a difficult time walking.  I took a shower and felt a little better.  We grabbed some breakfast and then went out into the city.


It was slow going, Bianca picked up the slack and the I-man.  

We stopped at Quincy Market and had lunch and then around 12:30 we found our way to our final destination--the legendary Hilton Tent City.  HTC is Boston's oldest and most authentic outdoor store.  The building is a dump, in a rough part of the city, but the gear and stuff inside was amazing.  Isaac had fun playing in the two dozen tents and Bianca almost found what she was looking for in a bag.  After that we made a trek back to the hotel and then hoped in Suby for a return trip home.

Tony Sculimbrene