Isaac the Movie Guide
As kids are want to do, Isaac has become obsessed with a movie. We have watched over and over again. The movie is Mulan. And though he will deny it if asked, he is positively enthralled by the villan of the movie, Shan Yu. He also likes some of Shan Yu's henchmen, going so far as to name a few of them. There is "Long Bow Guy", a guy with, well, you guessed it, a long bow. There is Shirtless Guy, Mohawk Guy, Scraggly Hair Guy. In fact, I am not sure if Isaac noticed that Mulan was a main character or even a character at all.
The best part of watching the movie with Isaac is the fact that whenever the bad guys are going to be featured in a scene, about a minute before the scene takes place he warns us: "Mommy, Daddy, bad guys are coming." He never gets it wrong, ever. He knows every scene in that movie and every scene that follows a scene.
The avalanche scene in the movie is his favorite part and we have watched tons of avalanche videos on YouTube as a result. There is this particular video that absolutely mesmerizes Isaac. To be entirely fair, it mesmerizes me me too.
But Isaac is not just a guide to the movie. He is effective at recreating its most notable scenes, where he is playing Shan Yu (with the proviso, of course, that he does not like Shan Yu). Here is our little Shan Yu (or, as Isaac calls him: Scary Good Guy):