
When you are three years old the world must unfurl itself to you in such an odd way that virtually everything seems like magic.  Yes, it is possible to fly, in an airplane.  You can in fact go pet a shark.  And if you stay out in the cold for a long time you can freeze.  All of those things seem so amazing when you think about them from the perspective of someone that has three years of experience in the world.  So when it was too cold to go outside this past week, one of Isaac's teachers must have told them if they went out they would get frost bite.  That one word, unexplained, must have sent all of their little minds racing.

One kid asked his parents, a boy named Cooper, and Cooper brought the answer back to the class like a hunter returning with an extra helping of moose meat.  The little kids ravenously devoured the information and then they brought it home as well.  Isaac confronted Bianca with a flurry of questions about frostbite.  What is it?  How do you get it?  Does it really make you freeze?  All the way home that day she answered questions about frostbite from a three year old.  Then when he went down we did some research on Wikipedia, reloading, in case he asked for more details.  And, of course, he did.  Does it wear off?  Can kids get it?  What if you wear gloves?

It was a spigot of questions that we delightfully answered.  It was just a sample of the power of curiosity in a kid and that power is what propelled us to the moon. 
Tony Sculimbrene