Sculimbrene Christmas

Well, we are rounding out the Christmas suite with this post, again pretty late.

Imagine the scene.  Isaac had a Christmas blast on the 24th with his cousins and the Naps in Rhode Island.  Then he had a Christmas hit with us on the 25th.  Then he had a third Christmas on the 26th, this time with Nanna and P-Pa.  At this rate, the kid is going to think we are Jewish and actually celebrating Hanukkah.

Anyway, the present fueled excitement was one thing, but getting to see Nanna and P-Pa for an entire week was something else.  As he is getting older he is realizing that some visits are long and some are short and he knew this was a long one, so he was pumped.

Nanna and P-Pa arrived in the afternoon and the morning was spent cleaning, playing and trying to prevent Isaac from bouncing off the walls.  I will take a moment and pause here to say that even though I am 36 years old I am also quite excited to see my parents, even if they basically hand their coats to me as they walk in the door and go run after their grandson.  I actually like that too.  Seeing them make him happy and seeing him make them happy is just too awesome.  And eventually they say hello to me, like an hour after Isaac has fallen asleep ;)

Well the Christmas gifts were amazing.  Nanna and P-Pa showed amazing restraint, especially considering they are grandparents that only see their grandson once every two months or so.  One present that I was truly surprised to see how much Isaac liked it was the Magnadoodle.


Nanna wanted to buy him one a long time ago, but I was trying to be the Dad and cut down on toys.  But the Magnadoodle is just an awesome teaching tool and a great toy.  It is a mainstay of car trips, allowing him to draw space battles until his heart's content.  This is a mea culpa here--Nanna was write and right.

After the Magnadoodle Isaac got a toy firetruck.  I pointed P-Pa in the direction of the Bruder website and told him to get what he would have wanted as a kid.  The end result was a firetruck that was seemingly on a 1:4 scale.  It had a real rubber hose, real rubber tires, a ladder and bucket that extended over Isaac's head, as well as sirens and lights.  This thing is positively massive and awesome.  And Isaac loved it.  After the visit it has been a visitor at bath time, getting pumped up with water and dousing me.

Isaac needed, relative term here, some new good guys and we thought Marvel superheroes would work well with his DC guys.  Here he is unwrapping a collection of new action figures:

My favorite part is just how genuinely grateful he is.  He runs over and thanks them before even opening the gift.  He is such a good kid. 

Nanna and P-Pa also got all three of us a book called the Night Tree.  It is a beautiful story about decorating a tree outside with food for the animals to eat during winter.  I am working on a post about this, the before and after, but the park where the tree is has been blocked off for the past three weeks due to heavy snow and low city budgets.

The visit was great and Christmas, Part III was awesome.  We really enjoyed having Nanna and P-Pa share Christmas and Isaac with us.  Each year I can't imagine how it could get better, but every year it does.  

Tony Sculimbrene