Edaville Railroad

I have been remiss in posting, but I have been trying to get the Edaville video to go on to YouTube (which had a bunch of changes recently all of which stink).  Everything is set and finally I can show you just how much fun we had at Edaville.  We went for my birthday and Poppa Dom, Domenic, Myles, and Colby met us there.  We arrived a little earlier than they did and we used that time to get in a few rides.  It was still light out so we had some good picture taking opportunities.

Here Isaac is on one of is favorite type of rides--flying vehicles that go around in a circle but can also go up and do with the pull of a lever.  Note the truly thrilled to pieces grin:


Isaac rode this ride about a dozen times, probably eight times before Myles and Colby arrived and then a few more times after that got to Edaville.

One of the first things we did when Colby and Myles arrived was our customary train ride in the day time.  It is usually WAY TOO crowded to grab the super premium caboose cab seats at night, so we go once during the day to get the full Edaville experience.  Here are Isaac and Myles goofing around:


After the train ride we took a ride on the ferris wheel.  Ferris wheels are always fun, but this one was FREEZING cold.  Here are Colby and I on our trip:

Once we finished that we had to warm up and we went inside the main station building and hung out at the ball pit for a while.

The ball pit was crazy busy as it was a pretty darn cold night.  There were kids everywhere and the ball pit at Edaville is one of the biggest I have ever seen.  It is positively massive.  Isaac and Colby hung out together and it was a good thing.  Isaac couldn't quite reach to pull himself out of the pit and there were a few big kids that shoved him around a couple of times.  Thanks to his big-for-his-age cousin Colby, the shoves stopped pretty quickly.  One push to I-man and Colby was on them like he was a Secret Service agent.  In addition to his size, Colby is just a stout little boy.  I slipped Colby a ten spot for his work as a bodyguard.  Here is a great picture of what I mean.  That kid in the white shirt had just knocked Isaac down and Colby was ON HIM:


 I love my nephew.

After that we hit a few more rides, the planes again, and then got so delicious fresh made cinnamon doughnuts.  They came from a machine called the Donut Robot.  Isaac watched it with the attentiveness of a line ref at Wimbledon.  All three of us--Poppa Dom, Isaac, and I--concluded we needed a Donut Robot at home.

Once that was done it was time for dinner and then a trip on the train at night.  It was really awesome and I had a great time.  It is a great birthday tradition and an amazing way to get in the holiday spirit.  Finally, here is a shot of the happiest kid at Edaville:

Tony Sculimbrene