Christmas Festivities LIVE BLOGGED

11:50 AM: Uncle John and Aunt Katie arrive.  Isaac has been waiting for guests since 6:08 AM so he gave them a tremendous welcome.  He likes them too, that helps, but a 3 year old waiting AT CHRISTMAS TIME is like an excitement time bomb. 

12:16 PM: Nanni, GG, Auntie Helen, Myles and Colby arrive.  Pandamonium breaks out.  Isaac runs around the house like a crazy person.

1:34 PM: We raid the nerf guns and set up a game of capture the flag upstair.  Isaac and I are on one team and Colby, Myles and Uncle John are on another.


1:41 PM: After sorting out guns and bullets, the battle starts in earnest.

1:41 PM: Isaac is hit in the eye and the war ends.  He needs to see his mommy, but he is totally fine other than a healthy bruise to his self confidence.

1:50 PM: We work on Christmas decorations that I cut out on the band saw.  The boys sit down with a ton of paint, beads, and glitter to go hog wild.


2:15 PM: The paint is cleaned up and we start working on gingerbread houses.  After the icing is applied they need to be left alone to make sure it sets.  Once that is done, it is time to decorate!


2:23 PM: The boys play Legos while John, GG, and Auntie Helen look through the wedding photos.

Some time after 2:23 PM and 3:15 PM: I fall asleep by the fire in the Man Chair.  Pretty relaxing catnap.  I get woken up to the smell of Bianca's sauce being served.

3:16 PM-4:04 PM: We eat drink and be merry.

4:11 PM: The boys ask for s'mores, but we have no graham crackers.  I run to the store to get some and return.

4:23 PM: S'mores are made and enjoyed by all.

4:32 PM: We all sit down to watch Mickey's Christmas Carol.

5:12 PM: One last Nerf War. Isaac and I win when Isaac recovers the flag.


5:30 PM: Festivities end and the Rhode Island crew returns home.  Everyone had a great time:

Tony Sculimbrene