Ohio Tour

After we pulled into 75 Sexton Drive we were treated to an array of visitors and fun.  After fossil hunting we went to the Cincinnati Zoo and it was amazing.  The zoo has developed so much since I was a kid and it is now one of the finest zoos I have ever seen.  They have essentially ever animal you'd want to see, except for a panda, which was much to Isaac Anthony's dismay, as we had eased the pain of the trip with an iPad chocked full of Kung Fu Panda.  He did really like the lions and the tigers and the cheetahs, but as he is want to do, became verbally fixated on one animal--the leopard, which he said as "Le Pod" over and over again.  His Nanna cringed as he dropped to all fours and prowled around the zoo.  Isaac was also awestruck, just as his Dad was, by this beast:

Our trip to the zoo was heavily impacted by a tidal wave of rain.  As we sprinted to the car we made our way around puddles and over rivers of rain water.  It was an exciting way to leave.

We also had a pool party at Aunt Barbara's and Uncle David's.  The pool was, of course, squeaky clean and warm enough to sous vide a steak.  Isaac, fresh off swim lessons was more than willing to jump and show off his moves.  Thankfully his two cousins, Olivia and Griffin, were willing to watch him so that Dad did not turn into a giant pale white raisin.  

We also stopped by GiGi and Pap's, where Isaac had the run of the place.  Here are the birthday buddies talking about motorcycles:


Isaac just could not get over how big the bike was. He could lay with his chest to the gas tank and stretch his arms to reach the handles and still not make it.

The final day was a rush of events.  We went to the Old Mill for breakfast (and yes, P-Pa, I am still searching for a suitable Massachusetts substitute).  After that we hiked Clifton Gorge.  Here is an especially tender moment where Nanna and Isaac were playing and relaxing in a cave's mouth:


The day wrapped up at 75 Sexton Drive with pizza and dinner with GiGi and Pap.  It was an amazing trip, probably the best we have had since Isaac was born.  He was more than an angel on the ride there and the fact that he did not nap made planning the day easier.  We were sad to leave, but glad we came.

The last post for Road Trip 2013 touches on a surreal night in the Scranton Hilton, where Dad, Mom, and Isaac got to see the wretched life of the business traveler.    
Tony Sculimbrene