That Kid

I am taking an intermission in the Road Trip 2013 series (of which there are two more entries) for a special post.  Kids these days are photographed more times before their 5th birthday than FDR was in his entire life.  Most people are terrible photographers.  And most cameras aren't that good.  But every once in a while a bad photographer (like me) will snap an amazing picture.  This is really nothing but luck.  And a beautiful subject.  We went to the zoo today and I got this picture at lunch.  It was a precious day with a precious person and I will not likely forget it soon, but this picture is just too amazing not to share and have its own post.


He is wearing no expression really, just those intense, ice blue eyes.  His little shirt is slopped over a little because, well, he is rowdy kid.  And his brow is just slightly furrowed because he is perpetually curious. I know this is shameless kid worship by a silly Dad, but gosh that is a great picture of Isaac Anthony, Age 3.
Tony Sculimbrene