Business Travelers
There is a parallel universe where I am a business traveler. I probably am not married to Bianca and Isaac doesn't exist in this hell dimension, but I make my living traveling and staying in hotels. That idea alone makes me shiver. I hate traveling, by in large, though I like being in new places. It is the in-between places, the airport, the layover hotel, and all other not quite there yet places that drive me nuts, physical manifestations of not quite being done.
But on the way home on Road Trip 2013 we stopped in Scranton, Pennsylvania (yes, home of the Office). Not wanting to chance it or make I-man miserable we booked a room in the Hilton (even in Scranton, the Hilton is nice). We arrived around 5:30 after 10 hours on the road. Everyone needed to stretch their legs and I-man got his first taste of a hotel. The long, quiet hallways made Isaac want to run even more.
And then we realized there was a pool so we promised a dip on condition that he eat his dinner.
And then we realized there was a pool so we promised a dip on condition that he eat his dinner.
Dinner was, well, hotel food--passable but not delicious and Isaac ate more than enough. After that we took a dip in a balmy hotel pool and introduced Isaac to the awesomeness that is a hot tub. He was positively giddy as he bounced around in a swirling bath of heated bubbles.
After dinner we went up and jumped on the bed, because, well, that is what you do at a hotel, right? We watched a few Dinosaur Train videos and calmed Isaac down. I tried to put him to bed, cuddling next to him, but he asked me funny questions for 45 minutes. Then Bianca came over and sang to him. He fell asleep in minutes.
The next morning we left and made our way home. It was a short trip compared to the 10 hour leg, and we were sad the trip was over, but happy to be home. Isaac ran straight to the backyard and grabbed the Bubble Mower. We could not have programmed Isaac to be better on the drive and we an excellent time in Ohio and in Pennsylvania.
The hotel night was the closest I ever want to come to that parallel universe and we all did have fun in the pool.