Touch a Truck

Until I was a parent I had no idea what a Touch a Truck was.  Since becoming a parent and learning the phrase I have become OBSESSED with finding one.  When Bianca informed me that there would be a Touch a Truck on the Saturday before Father's Day, I decided we'd go.  Then I-man got sick.  He ran a fever for three days straight, but on Saturday morning he seemed okay.  He also REALLY (or reatty, as he would say it) wanted to go.  So, Dad and Isaac ventured over to Townsend for the Touch a Truck.

There were a bunch of vehicles there--a ladder truck with the ladder all the way up, a dump truck, three pieces of construction equipment, a street sweeper (which was surprisingly cool), a special lawn mower designed for cemeteries, and an ambulance.  This was a free event and attracted a surprisingly large crowd of kids with parents in tow.  

Isaac decided to wear his hard hat he got for his birthday, so he was really looking the part when he got up into the cab of the dump truck.  He also liked the ambulance and the three diggers.  He thought the fire truck looked cool, but preferred to examine their equipment.  We spent probably 20 minutes looking at the massive hydraulic cutters and the jaws of life.  After that we went to the ambulance and thanked the EMTs.  I never realized how much of an ambulance was designed  Its like a big tub on wheels.  Yuck.  

Isaac was very good.  With so many kids there were lines at almost every vehicle (the senior citizen bus was completely smelled funny).  Each time I would hoist Isaac up I would tell him "Let me know when your ready buddy.  Other little folks need their turn."  He would mess with the levers and the steering wheels and look around, then mess with them again.  Eventually he'd just motion for me to come get him and that would be it.  No crying, no whining.  All of this and still running a small temp.  He was, objectively speaking, the best kid at the entire Touch a Truck.  

Here is an action shot of him at the dump truck:

Tony Sculimbrene