Dear John Deere
Dear John Deere Corp.,
My son is
very cute. He is also smart and precocious. He happens to love your
tractors with all of his heart. We went to a local retailer, Padula
Brothers, and he was in heaven, sitting on all of your various models,
including his favorite the 1025R utility tractor. He has blue eyes
and brown hair, looking very much like a young boy from a Norman
Rockwell painting. Though he typically does not sit still or like to
have his picture taken, he will do both provided he is sitting on one of
your products. He can say John Deere very clearly, especially for a 3
year old. He also recognizes your products' trademark green and yellow
paint scheme and has been, on occasion, known to say, without prompting,
"Nothing Runs Like a Deere." If you are in need of an adorable kid to
sell tractors, please contact me. While at Padula Brothers, no less
than three strangers approached us about how cute he looked at the wheel
of a Deere. I don't think this is coincidence. He would make an
excellent actor for a commercial or a spokesperson. Really, most of
your demographics are either Dads or Granddads and boy does he connect
with those two groups of folks. He could be paid in John Deere beep,
beeps, and a kid sized classic John Deere hat. I, as his agent, would
probably need either a Gator or a 1025R as remunerations.
Isaac's Dad