Isaac Anthony, Fart Detective

Isaac and Dad typically go out Saturday or Sunday morning to run some errands. We call them missions. Today was no different. Our mission was simple--get some mailers at Staples, grab some ground beef for the Taco Party tonight, and go see some tractors at Home Depot.

At our first stop, Staples, Isaac and Dad were waiting in line when I smelled an awful smell. At first I thought that Isaac had pooped his pants. Every parent of a recently potty trained kid has the same fear--out, poop, no change of clothes So I checked and found nothing, not even a smell. Isaac then began asking "Who stinky? Daddy, who did stinky?"

I realized a few seconds later that it was not Isaac, but the guy in line in front of us. He had ripped one and hoped that everyone would be too polite to say anything. The cashier, even with her nose practically pinched, didn't say anything. But Isaac is persistent.

"Who is stinky? Daddy, you smell the stinky?"

The guy got embarrassed and left. The cashier burst out laughing as soon as the guy was clear of the doors. I did too, as did everyone else in line.

Be careful next time you are around I-man because he will get to the bottom of the dealt it and smelt it mystery.
Tony Sculimbrene