Growing Up, Isaac Style--Getting a Beard
First you learn to pee in a potty. That is the first sign, according to Isaac, that you are a big boy. Its a tough hurdle to cross, but once you do, oh boy are you ready to go. Then, after that, you get a big boy bed. You can get out and get in all by yourself. Its tempting and it might make sleeping a little more difficult, but again, the rewards are numerous. Then comes the big time, the most important sign that you are getting older--you get a beard.
Isaac has been beard obsessed recently. After my attempt to get him a kids version of the Beardo at Christmas, seen here:
was thwarted it became clear this kid, one way or another, was going to score some facial hair. He absolutely, positively loved Poppa Dom's beard and every time he could he would pretend like he had a beard.
On the day of Bianca's birthday I decided it was time to let him get his way. We stopped off at a Michaels and got some face paint. Included in the pack was a perfect beard colored black. They are grease pencils of some sort so I plopped him down in front of me and went to town. Here were the results:
The results weren't perfect, but they were good enough for Isaac, which means, ironically enough, they were perfect. He was, as you can see, immensely proud of his especially manly facial hair and wore it all day. The next day I had to give him a beard again. Then this past Sunday, early in the morning, he asked for a beard. I got him all ready to go. When we went out to the store he insisted on wear it and being a two year old, he looked adorable. The best beard moment, among many, was when we walked into Trader Joes and there was a guy bagging groceries with a truly opulent, massive beard and Isaac pointed to him and just about freaked out. Then he pointed to his beard and told me "Same, same."
He has an affinity for moustaches too:
Next step: driving a car (though he has some experience with that already).
Isaac has been beard obsessed recently. After my attempt to get him a kids version of the Beardo at Christmas, seen here:
was thwarted it became clear this kid, one way or another, was going to score some facial hair. He absolutely, positively loved Poppa Dom's beard and every time he could he would pretend like he had a beard.
On the day of Bianca's birthday I decided it was time to let him get his way. We stopped off at a Michaels and got some face paint. Included in the pack was a perfect beard colored black. They are grease pencils of some sort so I plopped him down in front of me and went to town. Here were the results:
The results weren't perfect, but they were good enough for Isaac, which means, ironically enough, they were perfect. He was, as you can see, immensely proud of his especially manly facial hair and wore it all day. The next day I had to give him a beard again. Then this past Sunday, early in the morning, he asked for a beard. I got him all ready to go. When we went out to the store he insisted on wear it and being a two year old, he looked adorable. The best beard moment, among many, was when we walked into Trader Joes and there was a guy bagging groceries with a truly opulent, massive beard and Isaac pointed to him and just about freaked out. Then he pointed to his beard and told me "Same, same."
He has an affinity for moustaches too:
Next step: driving a car (though he has some experience with that already).