Potty Rap

Having kids is a life changing experience.  Its like a dam of emotions bursts when you see them the first time.  All sorts of random things become hugely significant because your little person likes them.  But it is the time away from them that makes you realize just how fundamentally different your life is.  Here is an example of what I mean.

I invented a rap song for Isaac to help encourage him to go to the potty.  It goes something like this:

Pee on your potty
Pee on your potty
Loves to
Pee on his potty

Its not complicated, but it has, as hip hop artists would say, an infectious hook.  You repeat it and dance around and it all helps get Isaac in the right frame of mind to use the potty.

One day Isaac had a good potty in the morning and he and I were dancing around the house singing the Potty Rap.  It got stuck in my head because, well, a two year old rapping about peeing on the potty is probably the funniest and cutest thing you can imagine.  It was stuck in my head so much so that I carried it with me to work.

My work requires me to go to the prison in Concord, NH pretty often.  So that day, like many others, I went to the prison to visit clients.  The visiting room was bustling and I was waiting for an attorney room with a few inmates who were waiting for visits.  We were all sitting at tables waiting when, subconsciously, I started singing the Potty Rap under my breath.  I didn't even notice I was doing it, so I certainly wasn't aware anyone could hear me.  Then one of the inmates leaned over and said: "I love that song too."

I am fairly certain we had different songs in mind.  
Tony Sculimbrene