So Easy a...

two year old could use it.

Well, we have known for a while that Isaac is pretty good with technology.  He loves pushing buttons.  He is a really good product tester for my flashlights.  And if it has both buttons and lights he is all over it.  On the Maine vacation he started up the iPad all by himself, while we all watched in amazement.  But here is some proof that he not only can start it up, but use it all by himself:

We are riding home on the train and Isaac is playing with his animals app (tech and animals, all we need now is some beep beeps and Isaac would be in heaven; though we are on a choo choo). Obviously, this photo means that we are all three using an iDevice at the same time--Mom is checking her email, Dad is snapping this picture, and Isaac is making his animals roar, yelp, and howl.

Sorry, Auntie Monica and Uncle Rob. 
Tony Sculimbrene