An Arms Race of Guilt

So Isaac recently learned that he can get out of things he does not want to do by asking his mommy to hold him.  He might be on the changing table, taking an involuntary break in his play, when he will call out with all the yearning a two year old can muster: "Hold me."  For a while it worked like a charm.  We were afraid something spooked him or something like that and we'd rush in grab him and hold him tight. 

Then we realized we were being duped.  So the "Hold Me!" trick was not so effective anymore.  Isaac is a smart kid, though, one never to let a little think like his parents slow but persistent uptake to stand in his way, so he upped the ante.

On the street we are super careful.  We teach him very strictly about cars because they are like the little guy apocalypse.  So when a car comes all of our alarms go off and he rushes to the side of the street and practically jumps into our arms.  We yell out "CAR COMING!"

Isaac knows this routine well and he combined the two things in a new trick.  Last night he did not want to go upstairs but Bianca and I were heading that way.  Feeling left behind at the bottom of the stair case he yells out "CAR COMING! HOLD ME!" 

We both about die laughing and pick up the little guy.  Five minutes later we go upstairs.  Now you might think that he was trying to trick us into thinking a car was coming, but something tells me that clever little devil knew that the first layer trick, Car Coming, was not enough, but the humor, that would work as a stall tactic because, well, it did.
Tony Sculimbrene