Brushing your teeth

Isaac and Dad have a very strict bath time ritual and for the past year or so I have missed it exactly once.  It is really fun and it is really important to me, a daily way to help Mom out and connect with the Little Guy.

Part of this ritual is brushing Isaac's teeth.  I brushed them for a while, but now I want him to be able to do it himself.  So I hand him a brush, grab mine and we brush together.  He has started figuring out how to do it and it is just adorable.  Last night though he was brushing like an old pro.  Even though his toothpaste is kid toothpaste and thus can be swallowed, he tried, when he saw me do it, to spit it out. 

Brush, brush, brush.  Dad spits.  Isaac spits.  Brush, brush, brush.

Just about the cutest thing I have ever seen. 
Tony Sculimbrene