Too Tee Time

We went over to Nanni and Poppa Dom's yesterday to celebrate Christmas, actually Mini Christmas.  The idea was we'd be able to see everyone and exchange presents at a leisurely pace, amid the delicious snacks (including a Santa made entirely from fruit).  Nanni also planned to make cookies with all three of her grandsons, perhaps the most Christmas-y thing I can think of.  Lots of great presents were exchanged including Isaac's new favorite--a giant Brachiosaurus.  But it was the cookie baking that generated most of the excitement.

When Nanni informed the boys that it was time Colby ran into the living room and informed everyone: "Its Too Tee Time! Its Too Tee Time!"  A few minutes of puzzled glances were ended when he grabbed my hand and brought me into the kitchen.  Here is the video:

Too Tee Time, indeed.
Tony Sculimbrene