Isaac and the Lady

Well Isaac has a friend at school, Molly, who, as you can tell from the name, is a girl.  Molly is super nice and gentle with Isaac.  Isaac is nice too.  Molly, it seems has entered his inner circle of friends.  A few days ago as Bianca and Isaac were leaving, Isaac had a toy that Molly wanted.  He pretended to give it to her and then took it back, as if to keep it.  She flashed a little sad face and Mom gave Isaac a stare and he turned and gave the toy away for real.

They are also a team on the playground.  Isaac loves one toy and only one toy.  He can, sometimes, I know this is hard to hear grandparents, throw a fit if the toy is not available.  As he is doing this, little Molly, who hates her shoes, will take off her shoes and socks, much to the teacher's chagrin, and walk around outside barefoot, even in the 30 degree weather.  Isaac's diversion helps every time. 
Tony Sculimbrene