No DNA test necessary--that's my boy.
There are certain traits that we pass along and we know the instant we see them. Isaac makes a "get down and boogy" face that is totally mine, but tonight it was something else.
There are times when people, inadvertently, or in some cases, on purpose, um...make noises...and amongst men or least my peers it is sometimes seen as humorous. Well, tonight I was reading stories, it happened. And Isaac looked up from the cuddling embrace of his mom and let out a belly laugh.
Then he applauded.
Yep, definitely my boy.
There are times when people, inadvertently, or in some cases, on purpose, um...make noises...and amongst men or least my peers it is sometimes seen as humorous. Well, tonight I was reading stories, it happened. And Isaac looked up from the cuddling embrace of his mom and let out a belly laugh.
Then he applauded.
Yep, definitely my boy.