Grandson of Moleman

About fifteen years G-Daddy installed his own timer-based sprinkler system in Ohio. To do it he had to dig up most of the yard. This was not the first major excavation project in Ohio. A few years before that, G-Daddy decided to tie into the city sewer system all on his own. It was not as easy at it sounds, and it actually sounds quite difficult, which it was. Using a massive earth mover, G-Daddy, Pap, and Dad dug a 10X10X20 foot hole in the side yard, unfortunately the plans on file with the city were wrong and the sewer tie in was on the other side of the yard. We dug that up too. This all goes back to G-Daddy's childhood when he was perpetually dirty. He would find a patch of dirt and start digging. When Nunni would call for lunch or dinner, he'd dust off before coming inside sending a cloud of fine dust into the air.

We thought we'd start Isaac early on his path towards inheriting the title of Moleman. So, over Dad's initial objection, we got Isaac a sandbox. There are so many options out there from the simple, yet effective pressure treated lumber to the insanely expensive, Cedar Works sandbox. We opted to go with the SandLocks sandbox. It is really well designed, and everything fit together snuggly. The only problem was the enormous amount of sand needed. The box is 5x5. How much sand do you think is necessary? How about 900 pounds? Ugh. We finally got everything ready to go. Here is the pre-sand stage:


And after much lugging, the post-sand stage:


And finally, an introduction video:

He is ready to be Grandson of Moleman. Though I am not sure Mom knew how dirty he'd get.
Tony Sculimbrene