Rainy Day Weekend

What to do when it is mid 50s and raining out all weekend? Well, on the first day, Saturday we took Isaac to the doctor as he wasn't feeling so hot. Turns out the little guy an ear infection, a common thing for teething kids. He didn't tug his ear, run a fever, or whine. He just toughed it out. What a kid. After we got his medication, we went home and chillaxed for the rest of the day.

When we got home we went upstairs and played around a little bit. Isaac loves hanging on the end of the bed, it is the perfect height for him to shuffle step around. While there he noticed the new addition--the luggage for going to Ohio. Seeing all of the clothes neatly and orderly in the red bag he decided to investigate. This is what we got:

He then decided he wanted to get under the bed, but his head was too big. It took him a while, but he figured it out. Here are his attempts:

This kid is endlessly curious.

Sunday he was feeling much better so we did a few things. First, we built a fort. We had an old box from our grill laying around and we decided to use it as a fort. Here is the fort:

And some more:

(its Chinese, by the way).

After that we went for a walk and though it was chilly and misty Isaac enjoyed it. He loves tooling around in his wagon. Here is some footage of him testing and tasting the wagon:

I am going to try to upload the oobleck video, but it is really large, like 16 minutes long, so it might not work. If it does, post tomorrow. Oobleck is super cool (no link, so I can build a little suspense, in case you don't know what oobleck is yet).
Tony Sculimbrene