Birthday Update 4
Just like last year, right after Isaac's birthday it got rainy and cold. It went from about 95-99 on Wednesday to about 55 today. Ah, late spring in New England. Isaac's actual birthday was marked by him eating actual ice cream. We got him some Ben and Jerry's plain Vanilla, as it does not have high fructose corn syrup, which, somehow after Omnivore's Dilemma, has become an ingredient as welcome as strychnine (that's how it is spelled, crazy huh?). Well, Ben and Jerry did it right because their ice cream has four ingredients, all of which sound like food and not shampoo chemicals. Isaac, however, was only moderately impressed with his frozen treat.
He has, however, thoroughly enjoyed his wagon. "Enjoy" is not the right word though, as it is clear that when he is in it and moving he thinks of himself as a king among commoners.

Here is a funny video of him in the wagon, less than impressed with my pulling abilities, especially after his session with his boundlessly energetic cousin last week.
He also reveled in other presents. Here he is playing with his classic Fisher-Price Corn Popper:

He also got some Duplos from Mom and Dad:

He loved the little bucket device as it had a mild spring on it and for whatever reason he liked it closing on his lip and tongue:
He also got a beach towel with built in hoodie from his Auntie Monica and Uncle Rob (who also sent a pop up book that he LOVES). Though the pictures don't show it, he loved it. He was more upset with getting out of the pool, even though his little legs were like icicles.

We have some more stuff to upload, so I will do another post later.

He has, however, thoroughly enjoyed his wagon. "Enjoy" is not the right word though, as it is clear that when he is in it and moving he thinks of himself as a king among commoners.

Here is a funny video of him in the wagon, less than impressed with my pulling abilities, especially after his session with his boundlessly energetic cousin last week.
He also reveled in other presents. Here he is playing with his classic Fisher-Price Corn Popper:

He also got some Duplos from Mom and Dad:

He loved the little bucket device as it had a mild spring on it and for whatever reason he liked it closing on his lip and tongue:
He also got a beach towel with built in hoodie from his Auntie Monica and Uncle Rob (who also sent a pop up book that he LOVES). Though the pictures don't show it, he loved it. He was more upset with getting out of the pool, even though his little legs were like icicles.

We have some more stuff to upload, so I will do another post later.