9 month check up
Isaac had his 9 month check up yesterday and did very well. Here are the stats:
Height: 28 inches
Weight: 18 lbs 12 oz
Head: 18.27 inches
He has, as all exclusively breastfed babies do, fallen off the weight chart (remember originally he was in the 90%, now he is below 50%). His doctor was not concerned, noting that this pattern is normal. She said that as he eats more solids and formula is introduced he will pack on the pounds. His head is still ginormous. Imagine if your head was as big around as you are tall, minus ten inches.
He also got a shot yesterday and I am assuming that today or Saturday will be his tough day, as that has been the pattern the last four times. He is never bad, just a bit sensitive.
On a different note, with the change in Daylight Savings we are able to go for evening walks again and Isaac makes a great mahout.
And finally, the date of Isaac's trip to Ohio has been set: June 16th-20th. Get ready for smooch attacks Isaac Anthony.
Height: 28 inches
Weight: 18 lbs 12 oz
Head: 18.27 inches
He has, as all exclusively breastfed babies do, fallen off the weight chart (remember originally he was in the 90%, now he is below 50%). His doctor was not concerned, noting that this pattern is normal. She said that as he eats more solids and formula is introduced he will pack on the pounds. His head is still ginormous. Imagine if your head was as big around as you are tall, minus ten inches.
He also got a shot yesterday and I am assuming that today or Saturday will be his tough day, as that has been the pattern the last four times. He is never bad, just a bit sensitive.
On a different note, with the change in Daylight Savings we are able to go for evening walks again and Isaac makes a great mahout.
And finally, the date of Isaac's trip to Ohio has been set: June 16th-20th. Get ready for smooch attacks Isaac Anthony.