Kiss Kiss Grandparents
President's Day weekend was a four day affair, with Grandparents in from Ohio to celebrate Washington and Lincoln's combined birthday. Unfortunately Isaac came down with a cold on Saturday. Still the grandparents got to spend some quality time with the little guy playing with Duplos, stacking blocks, an assortment of stuffed animals, and the prickle ball. Isaac did a great job showing them how he can catch the ball and even added a new trick--catching with his hands. But it was what he did on Sunday and Monday that turned the heart melting up to a 10.
Saying "I love you Isaac" or something like it (which happened a lot) would result in Isaac leaning into you with his mouth forward, a kissing type motion. He did it to G-Daddy and then yesterday he did it to one of his story books. I am not sure he quite understands who an appropriate target is, but at least 50% of the time he gives a big "kiss" to the right person or thing. It is super cute.
He has also taken to shaking his head no a lot more. He used to do it only at meal time as a way of cutting off the stream of solid food, but now he does it even without food around. The no nod, however, is much more context appropriate than the lean kiss when he uses it. It is clear from watching him that he understands a good bit of what we are saying even if he can't talk himself.
Between the "more" signing, the lean kiss, and the no nod, Isaac is a down right conversationalist. Even without saying a word.
Addendum: Isaac is super excited for Saturday the is the first Red Sox Spring Training game. Ah, spring around the corner, position battles, and ridiculously small sample sizes making Chris Shelton look like the next Babe Ruth (okay that was in April in the actual season, but the point is still true).
Saying "I love you Isaac" or something like it (which happened a lot) would result in Isaac leaning into you with his mouth forward, a kissing type motion. He did it to G-Daddy and then yesterday he did it to one of his story books. I am not sure he quite understands who an appropriate target is, but at least 50% of the time he gives a big "kiss" to the right person or thing. It is super cute.
He has also taken to shaking his head no a lot more. He used to do it only at meal time as a way of cutting off the stream of solid food, but now he does it even without food around. The no nod, however, is much more context appropriate than the lean kiss when he uses it. It is clear from watching him that he understands a good bit of what we are saying even if he can't talk himself.
Between the "more" signing, the lean kiss, and the no nod, Isaac is a down right conversationalist. Even without saying a word.
Addendum: Isaac is super excited for Saturday the is the first Red Sox Spring Training game. Ah, spring around the corner, position battles, and ridiculously small sample sizes making Chris Shelton look like the next Babe Ruth (okay that was in April in the actual season, but the point is still true).