One heck of a weekend

Starting on Friday when I picked up Monica and Rob from the airport until last night when we put Isaac Anthony to sleep, I had an all-time great weekend. It hard to go from sitting next to someone every morning for breakfast (at a giant ORANGE countertop) to seeing them three or four time a year. Monica and I were very best friends all growing up, with a rough patch in high school. But there were countless summer days spent playing outside and cold winter days bouncing off the walls (and stuff snow in your boots) at good ole 20 Sexton Dr. Having Monica and Rob in for my birthday was great. Having them in and seeing them spend time with Isaac was even better. Like all things you truly enjoy, you want to share your kid with the people you love the most. Naturally this made for a GREAT visit.

Here are some picture of Isaac this weekend:

Isaac in his Paris sweater Auntie Monica and Uncle Rob got him:


Isaac and Aunite Monica reading:


Isaac pissed because I interrupted the reading to take some dumb picture:


Chowing down:


Rob really scored some big points with Isaac when, for about an hour on the 4th, he let Isaac bounce. Isaac wasn't in his bouncer, but in Uncle Rob's lap and Rob held him while he bounced and bounced and bounced. I am sure his arms were sore the next day, though I imagine it will make his racquetball game all the better.

The day before my birthday we did Mini Christmas with Monica and Rob. I got a very nice tie (which I am wearing today) and Bianca got some clothes. Isaac got some super cute clothes, though I think Auntie Monica and Uncle Rob (well mainly Auntie Monica) thinks she is dressing a celebrity's kid. I am almost certain Isaac will be the only kid at the Goddard School with both a knit sweater from Paris AND a Burberry top. He will totally be pickin' up the chicks.

My birthday was great, and super fun to share with everyone. Isaac Anthony and Mom took some pictures and used them to make me a birthday card and, really, there was nothing I could do but shed a few tears. He also got me a Green Eggs and Ham Christmas Ornament and a Green Eggs and Ham app (for when we are on the go). I got some very nice presents from everyone else as well: Nerf Guns (see below), Wall-E, a elegant little Spyderco (my favorite knife brand), a very fine Cross pen, and a handmade, custom flashlight. All in all, it was quite a haul.

The day after was a calm day, although we did get a little Nerf-antastic, with the Nerf CS-35 Raider, one of the highest rated Nerf guns of all time, and yes, there are websites that review Nerf guns, see:


Bianca is feeling a bit under the weather so photos may be few in the next couple of days. We did upload some more and videos are coming as well.
Tony Sculimbrene