6 months old and 200th Post

Pretty amazing that Isaac Anthony is 6 months old. It also happens to be the 200th post to the blog (which I figured out about a week ago and timed them to coincide). Its funny now to watch him because he has gone through so many changes. He started out as this little blob and that didn't really do much at all. Then he sort of woke up and flailed his arms and did things at random. Then he got control of his arms and legs and the rest of his body and did all kinds of things. He is still doing that but now he is coming up against the limitations of his little limbs. Before there was nothing that he couldn't think of and then do, in part because everything he could think of doing was simple.

Now there are all sorts of things he wants to do but really can't. He loves Sophie, his chew toy, but sometimes she frustrates the crap out of him (though not literally as that would have been helpful a few days ago). And it is here where his little temper arises. It happens to be my temper exactly. I can't remember the last time I yelled at a person (thank goodness), but I scream on occasion at objects ("STUPID Baby Gate, crappy made in China JUNK!). He can't scream so he just shakes and looks very angrily at the object then lets out a cry. He has never seen me do this (most of this kind of work is done, necessarily, while he is sleeping), so I can only think that it is genetic.

It is so fun to see yourself in this little person. To think that this little person will some day ask me millions of questions ("What would happen to the temperature in the stadium if everyone exhaled at the same time?"; "How many squirrels are in Greene County?") is just amazing. And then there is the fact that I will also see Bianca in him, which we already do. He really likes his schedule. He likes crossing things off his list ("First I will chew on Sophie's head, then her front leg, then the next leg, and the leg after that..."). He is so much fun.

It has been a great 6 months and this is only the beginning. Thanks for reading and thanks Isaac Anthony. Oh, just in case you forgot, here is what he looked like around 6:45PM six months ago:


and here is what he looks like now:


Happy Half Birthday Isaac Anthony!
Tony Sculimbrene