Mommy Mushball

For those that knew Bianca, the determined, planning, hardworking girl that flew through graduate school without so much as a speed bump, you really need to meet the new Bianca--Mommy Mushball. She is still all of those pre-Isaac things, but when it comes to her boy, she is just an ole softy.

For example, when she was reading the Holy Cross website a few days ago she saw an article on the Mass of the Holy Spirit (the sort of final parent child moment in the college drop off procedure at CHC) she got a little teary-eyed just thinking about Isaac's college drop off. So what if he doesn't have teeth yet.

Then their are the moments when little Isaac is crying. Babies cry. Since they can't talk or point or play charades, they cry. Every once in a while I make the mistake of getting between Mommy Mushball and her boy when he is red-faced and a bit teary. An elbow to the ribs later and I realize that no one should come between a mom and her crying baby.

In all seriousness though, it is delightful to watch two people I love love each other. Isaac and Bianca have a unique and special relationship. It is so fun to watch him stare at her when she talks, even if it is about who is cleaning up after dinner. For Isaac Anthony his mommy is the rising and setting sun. And for Bianca, Galileo's Astronomy be damned, her son is the center of the universe.
Tony Sculimbrene