Deep Water Horizon II or Isaac's Blow Outs
Earlier this year an infamous blow out was the focus of the nation. Greedy BP sent drills deep into the ocean and eventually the oil couldn't be contained and 11 people tragically lost their lives.
Isaac has had just as many blow outs and other than diapers, a few outfits, the changing pad, his bed sheets, both Boppies, a few snuggle me's, and Mom and Dad's clothes and hands there have been no real casualties.
Each time you look at one of the pictures below think of this:
Without further ado, Isaac Anthony's Blow Outs, a Retrospective:
Here is the first Blow Out caught by a camera:
In a White Onesy:
A Blow Out Aftermath:

Around Bedtime:


There were more, many more, trust me, but these were the ones that I had the good fortune of being near a camera at the time. Oh yeah, and future going-to-senior-prom Isaac, your welcome Mr. Poo Poos.
Isaac has had just as many blow outs and other than diapers, a few outfits, the changing pad, his bed sheets, both Boppies, a few snuggle me's, and Mom and Dad's clothes and hands there have been no real casualties.
Each time you look at one of the pictures below think of this:
Without further ado, Isaac Anthony's Blow Outs, a Retrospective:
Here is the first Blow Out caught by a camera:

In a White Onesy:

A Blow Out Aftermath:

Around Bedtime:


There were more, many more, trust me, but these were the ones that I had the good fortune of being near a camera at the time. Oh yeah, and future going-to-senior-prom Isaac, your welcome Mr. Poo Poos.