Pedi Update

Isaac had his two month pedi check up. Dr. Fuedo said he was looking good. He was all above average in weight, height, and head size (91% in head size, which prompted her to turn to me and say: "Well you have a big head." Oh if she only knew how many people agreed with her in more ways than one). He weighed in at 13 pounds 8.5 ounces. He was 23 1/2 inches long.

Then he got his shots. Oh man that was awful. REALLY awful. He let out a terrified shriek. If it was not for the fact that this is an absolutely essential thing to do for kids, we would not have done it. Fortunately, he seemed to take them well. He fell asleep for about an hour and then woke up, ate, played and then went down for a nap, which is his normal schedule. I am posting this during the nap, so we have our fingers crossed hoping that he does this well going forward.
Tony Sculimbrene