Happy 2nd Month Birthday

Isaac Anthony is TWO MONTHS old! It is amazing. In two months Bianca and I's life has changed completely...and it has been awesome. So what do you do for your second month birthday? Go swimming. Yup, Isaac took a dip in the pool, with the help of Dad. Mom caught it on camera. But before we get to the video, first we have a shot of the big man in his big boy diapers, Swimmies or in corporate speak: Little Swimmers (how original):


Its like he knows something big is about to happen.

And here is the video (my love handles and all):

Did you catch the What About Bob quote in there? "I'm sailing..."

Oh, and just because he was fantastic today (literally, I cannot remember him crying for more than about two minutes), here is a shot taken by Dad while Isaac was working out in his gym (how you doin' ladies? He told me to write that):


Look at those big eyes searching around for new things to look at and stuff to do.

We also have noticed that Isaac is starting to move his hands with a bit (and I mean a bit) more purpose. We have the tracking objects stuff down pat and neck control is coming along fine. Hands and feet are next and we are so excited.

I think that is the thing that is so remarkable. In two months we went from baby blob to cooing, moving, looking, babbling, laughing, drag racing, pommel horse, and swimming. It is truly the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life. This boy is endlessly fascinating.

Auntie Monica, he is really excited to meet both you and Uncle Rob. He has a smile just for you. It is accompanied by a big poop, but hey you take 'em as they come.
Tony Sculimbrene