Wait up guys!
When Myles Patrick was born he was a big kid and he stayed big for quite a while. His brother, though not as big when he was born, grew quickly (though it too has started to even out) and was a toddler by week two.
On the other hand Isaac Anthony was a mere 7 pounds .4 ounces at birth, probably something like Myles's two legs combined. But he was bound and determined not to be left in the dust. He wants to catch up to his cousins. So, it was a strict diet and training regimen.
Cue the Eye of the Tiger montage.
He wakes up at nine and does a double dose of boobie milk followed up with some reading and tummy time. During tummy time he picks up his head at least four times (or whenever Bianca calls his name). And then it is to his baby gym. A quick nap is followed by the repeat of the entire cycle, starting with the double dose. Can't you hear it? "Risin' up, back on the streets..." You get the idea.
Well it all paid off because Chubby Bubby tipped the scales at 10 pounds 11.5 ounces at today's pedi visit, putting on more than pound a week for the past three weeks.
In a press release Isaac thanked a few people. "First," the announcement states, "I'd like to thank my Mommy without whom none of this would be possible. I'd also like to thank my Dad, who kept both Mommy and I going through the tough times. Finally, I'd like to thank the people that first harvested lanolin. We made it everyone, we made it."
This is the exhausted champ, after a hard day of double dosing boobie milk:

Eye of the Tiger indeed.
On the other hand Isaac Anthony was a mere 7 pounds .4 ounces at birth, probably something like Myles's two legs combined. But he was bound and determined not to be left in the dust. He wants to catch up to his cousins. So, it was a strict diet and training regimen.
Cue the Eye of the Tiger montage.
He wakes up at nine and does a double dose of boobie milk followed up with some reading and tummy time. During tummy time he picks up his head at least four times (or whenever Bianca calls his name). And then it is to his baby gym. A quick nap is followed by the repeat of the entire cycle, starting with the double dose. Can't you hear it? "Risin' up, back on the streets..." You get the idea.
Well it all paid off because Chubby Bubby tipped the scales at 10 pounds 11.5 ounces at today's pedi visit, putting on more than pound a week for the past three weeks.
In a press release Isaac thanked a few people. "First," the announcement states, "I'd like to thank my Mommy without whom none of this would be possible. I'd also like to thank my Dad, who kept both Mommy and I going through the tough times. Finally, I'd like to thank the people that first harvested lanolin. We made it everyone, we made it."
This is the exhausted champ, after a hard day of double dosing boobie milk:

Eye of the Tiger indeed.