Mission Status

So Bianca and I, pre-Isaac used to all kinds of way of making the mundane, such as running errands, more exciting. One way was to give something "mission status." This means that the thing you are looking for, Raspberry Dr. Pepper, MUST be found, no matter what. Many times things were given "mission staus" and in the ten years of marriage we never failed. There was the Ricotta Salada Cheese Incident, but technically it was found and Bianca downgraded it to non-mission status to stop us from driving to the North End of Boston (which, as a mission status event, we would be required to do). Usually medications were given mission status, which meant that we'd go get them even if it was like 2 AM. Sometimes things like Raspberry Dr. Pepper is given mission status. For that stuff we drove into downtown Boston at 11 PM from Woburn, but we found it. Unsurprisingly, it was not as good as the original Dr. Pepper, aka the Bordeux of Sodas; for an extra special treat, try Dr. Pepper made with cane sugar instead of High Fructose Corn Syrup, found here. Dublin Dr. Pepper, though expensive, is totally worth the price. Try it sometime.

Anyway, Bianca got pretty sick yesterday, 101.9 fever, and called the Dr. and got some meds. She was really wiped out so I took over with Isaac. But we had to get the medicine. What to do? Isaac and Dad went on their first mission status errand. We went to CVS and Panera. And Isaac was GREAT. He slept a lot and did not cry at all.

He was even helpful. We arrived at CVS at about 5, right when all the old people are getting their meds. There was a huge line, but fortunately people saw the sleeping superstar and let us cut all the way to the front of the line. Thanks little dude.

Then we went to Panera and again got caught in a line. I had Chubby Bubby in the Baby Bjorn and his cuteness did all the work AGAIN. We cut to the front of the line. We even met a nice older lady that showed me how to sign "Isaac" in American Sign Language. It involves a combination of the letter "I" and the sign for "smile" (Isaac means one who laughs).

In the end, the duo of Dad and Isaac returned home to sick Mommy with her medication, some Saltines, two bottles of Gatorade, and a bowl of chicken noodle soup from Panera.

Mission complete.
Tony Sculimbrene