Chief Mate on the Dirty Turd

Well, Capt Stinkeye has gone through a long and complex deliberation process and has chosen his Chief Mate for the Dirty Turd--it is I Neck Beard the Pirate!

Here is a picture of the neck beard, along with a clingy Cap'n Stinkeye:


The schedule of taking care of Isaac has left a few things in the dust--sleep, shaving, going to stores, and plans of any sort. We have become retired people, looking forward to going to the doctor, eating dinner at 4:00, and awaiting the mail with giddiness that was previously reserved for a Red Sox World Series victory. It also allowed me to cultivate my most extensive neckbeard since college. For more on neckbeard see here (some swearing in the web site, but really funny).

But the slowed down time has also been a huge boon. It has allowed us to really get used to being parents. Nanna's presence has been an indescribable help, giving us a few minutes to ourselves and a few extra winks of shut eye. I feel like I am being given the time to adjust to what is undoubtedly the most comprehensive life change I have ever experienced.

So I will take the impulse to find the Early Bird special, if I also get to sit with my boy on the Man Chair while listening to the Red Sox.
Tony Sculimbrene