Big Pedi Visit

We met Dr. Julia Feudo today, Isaac's pediatrician. She delivered all good news: Isaac is up past his birth weight--7 lbs .4 oz to 7 lbs 10 oz. He is also longer 20.4 inches to 21.25 inches. Dr. Feudo has the two single most important qualities in a pediatrician--realism and a calming demeanor.

Last night was a tough one, Isaac did not want to go to sleep until about two hours after his feeding and he was not latching well. But all went well this morning with the feeding, so really it was probably fussiness. And then the good news at the doctors...

In a hope to catch another roll over, I recorded part of Isaac's tummy time. But this time he got a little sleepy, as you can see below:

Also the bean bag chair for Isaac's room arrived, thanks to the Grandparents, yesterday. It was from a Xenia company called Bean Bag City, and despite the seventies photos on their site, it is a really high quality item. A bean bag chair is perfect for lounging in Isaac's room while he is eating.

Here is a funny picture of Isaac in the chair:

Tony Sculimbrene