Almost EBK
EBK: Everything but Kid.
All of the baby room furniture arrived yesterday and Grandpa Dom and Bianca had assembled the crib by the time I got home. The crib came in many pieces, but the other furniture did not so Dom and I had to lug it up the stairs. It worked out well though as everything was prepped for when I got home (imagine that--everything prepped with Bianca and Domenic working together...).
Here are a few shots of the baby room, though a video tour is coming soon (I had planned on doing it last week, but alas the furniture did not arrive).
Here is the crib all decked out:

Here is the chest all ready to go for changing Stinky Pete:

Finally, here is the Mama Bear all tuckered out after working on her boy's room all day, in her beautiful rocker:

Bianca's coworkers threw us an awesome baby shower on Saturday at Ron's House. Her friend and British export Sarah Petty (NOTE the chili pepper) organized the event and it was really nice. Jude and Wendy brought Jacqueline, a great 9 week old baby, who was wide awake and super cute. They all chipped in and got us a car seat, which is really nice. Finally, at the end, Ron presented me with a long box and told me "An Old Man dropped this off", inside was an auto-deploying lightsaber. I will get some pictures so Peanut will remember how silly his Dad was.
Finally, one last story. My Mom went to spend the night at a hospital in Columbus with one her students who is very sick and having surgery. As she was going into the hospital one of the nurses asked her: "Are you a grandma?" thinking that she was the grandmother for the little girl. In a gusher of excitement she told the nurse "NO, NOT YET! BUT VERY SOON!" The nurse, puzzled by the answer, told her that most women are insulted by that question. Oh well, she's ready to be a grandma, it seems.
Thanks to everyone that has been so incredibly generous. Thanks to those that helped with the baby furniture. Thanks to those that threw us the shower(s). One more picture, Peanut's room in the light of a breaking dawn on a beautiful spring day (this morning):

Its waitin' for ya buddy.
5 weeks and counting, exactly.
All of the baby room furniture arrived yesterday and Grandpa Dom and Bianca had assembled the crib by the time I got home. The crib came in many pieces, but the other furniture did not so Dom and I had to lug it up the stairs. It worked out well though as everything was prepped for when I got home (imagine that--everything prepped with Bianca and Domenic working together...).
Here are a few shots of the baby room, though a video tour is coming soon (I had planned on doing it last week, but alas the furniture did not arrive).
Here is the crib all decked out:

Here is the chest all ready to go for changing Stinky Pete:

Finally, here is the Mama Bear all tuckered out after working on her boy's room all day, in her beautiful rocker:

Bianca's coworkers threw us an awesome baby shower on Saturday at Ron's House. Her friend and British export Sarah Petty (NOTE the chili pepper) organized the event and it was really nice. Jude and Wendy brought Jacqueline, a great 9 week old baby, who was wide awake and super cute. They all chipped in and got us a car seat, which is really nice. Finally, at the end, Ron presented me with a long box and told me "An Old Man dropped this off", inside was an auto-deploying lightsaber. I will get some pictures so Peanut will remember how silly his Dad was.
Finally, one last story. My Mom went to spend the night at a hospital in Columbus with one her students who is very sick and having surgery. As she was going into the hospital one of the nurses asked her: "Are you a grandma?" thinking that she was the grandmother for the little girl. In a gusher of excitement she told the nurse "NO, NOT YET! BUT VERY SOON!" The nurse, puzzled by the answer, told her that most women are insulted by that question. Oh well, she's ready to be a grandma, it seems.
Thanks to everyone that has been so incredibly generous. Thanks to those that helped with the baby furniture. Thanks to those that threw us the shower(s). One more picture, Peanut's room in the light of a breaking dawn on a beautiful spring day (this morning):

Its waitin' for ya buddy.
5 weeks and counting, exactly.