Pregnancy Adventure III

So about two months ago, one Saturday Bianca decided that she was feeling cooped up so we hoped in the car and went on our first pregnancy adventure. Our original goal was to make it back to a Newton favorite, Johnny's Biltmore Cafe (which doesn't have a website, seriously how 1890s of them). Their old menu was classic greasy spoon cuisine. Their NEW menu however, was fancier and three times as much. We ditched and ate at Fat People Factory a.k.a. The Cheesecake Factory. They have good food but the portions are enormous, even when eating for two. Then over break we went to Magic Beans and got the Phil and Ted stroller. That was Pregnancy Adventure II.

Today we did Pregnancy Adventure III. We went to Jordan's Furniture to make sure we did not miss any cribs. The store is really amazing. The one we went to has a restaurant, an ice cream store, a waterworks show, and a trapeze that everyone can use. Oh and an IMAX. They also sell TVs, sound systems, and furniture. They had a bunch of cribs but they were all ENORMOUS. So we were able to cross them off the list (Bianca's favorite past time, in case you were unaware, is crossing things off the list).

Our real objective was this place. They are a local chain, but they have more baby stuff than any place I have ever seen. They had over 100 cribs set up with all of the accompanying furniture. They also had over a 100 gliders and at least 50 strollers (including ours, at the same price). You get the sense that all of this stuff is hot, like if the Mob ran a baby furniture store this would be it. They have REALLY nice stuff though and tons of it. The only scary thing was this salesman kept on bugging us. Bianca is not high on intrusive salespeople and with the Momma Bear hormones surging through her body I almost had to pull the guy aside and tell him "Look I know you are trying to help, but you are driving me crazy, and I am not the pregnant one. I know she looks tiny, but that woman will break you in two if you don't leave us alone." Fortunately we were able to escape while he was helping other customers.

Our next stop was the legendary Harrow's Chicken Pies. The store had no seating. It had a wooden floor. It looked like it has not been painted on the outside since before the last hurricane to hit Boston, but once inside you were hit with the most delicious of smells--chicken and carrots and potatoes (curse you Dan Quayle now I can't remember how to spell that word) and the buttery crust. We bought a frozen pie for the some time next week. I can't imagine how good it will taste.

Finally, after completing the closet yesterday I could not resist buying baby hangers. Erica donated some boy clothes to us (how is that for luck? two boy cousins and we have a boy, we'll have hand-me-downs for life) and I wanted them to go in the closet. But when we went to Target I was seduced by the lure of impulse buy baby clothes. Here is the result:

Dad is a goober

And here is the outfit in the closet (its SO TINY):

He's Ready

We'll post the making-of video for the closet once I have it encoded and uploaded.

The first poll results are finished. Grandpa Sculimbrene looks like he will have to sign a record deal to go by G-Daddy, as the "Yes" votes were outnumbered by the "Only if he signs a record deal with Def Jam Records" votes.

There is a new poll, now that we know that Peanut is a boy, regarding his career path.
Tony Sculimbrene