Career Choices

While waiting for dinner one night Bianca and I played a career choice version of "Would you rather". We did a whole hour of careers: garbage man v. sewer maintenance (you know my choice), etc. until we arrived at the four choices to your right in the new poll. These were essentially unresolvable "would you rathers". To aid in voting here is a little primer on each career.


Made famous in the Star Wars series of movies, these do-gooders use the Force and their trademark weapon the lightsaber to defend the galaxy from bad guys. Ideally, Peanut would become a Luke Skywalker or Ben Kenobi type Jedi rather than an Anakin Skywalker type (though if he becomes like Luke he will have to kill me, but I am okay with that if I go on a tyrannical killing spree). Something like this would be sweet for a demonstration of Jedi skills:

So that is career choice #1. Oh and just in case you think there is no such thing as a Jedi in real life you should look here.


This one is a little more realistic option than Jedi. Being an astronaut is the closest thing there is to being a super hero: you have super human intelligence, super human physical conditioning, and you are an all around AWESOME dude or dudette. The requirements are pretty strict. It is encouraging though to note that the website says that openings are available. It is sort of like saying that openings are available for the job of President, though there have been far fewer people to walk on the moon than be president (12 to 44). Still we believe in Peanut and we think he has a real chance of becoming the first Sculimbrene in space.

Left Handed Starting Pitcher

When this option came up in our little game I was simply stumped. If I could, I would adopt Jon Lester, but seeing as he is a millionaire, 26 years old, has both of his parents it would be a little awkward. Still, he pitched the winning game of the 2007 World Series and a no-hitter in May of 2008 AFTER beating cancer with his parents looking on in both situations. He is my favorite player right now, and in my top 5 of all time.

Peanut however, if he goes down this route, will be even better. Lester's four-seam fastball is pretty good (92-96 mph) and will be a standard part of Peanut's arsenal, but Peanut's curve will be even better than Lester's. Lester's is merely a plus pitch, but Peanut's would be a plus plus curve.

So think of it like this: by choosing this option Peanut is becoming a Left Handed Starting Pitcher with 35 starts a year, an ERA of under 3.00, 200+Ks a year and a handful, 8 or so, complete games a year thrown in for sheer manliness. This is a good option to pick.

Oh and he would pitch for Boston or maybe Cincinnati (though their advanced scouting would tell management that his talent would require a signing bonus only a large market team could afford). If the Yankees came a callin' I'd tell them they had the wrong number or answer with "Hello, Fitchburg Pizza Hut, how may I help you?"

First Chair Violin for the BSO

Now this option is not as flashy as Jedi or as well known as being an astronaut, but it is a pretty sweet gig. I imagine that Peanut will be something like Malcolm Lowe, the beloved concertmaster and First Violin for the Boston Symphony Orchestra. How sweet a gig is it? Well, Mr. Lowe has a chair funded in perpetuity. Also he plays on a pretty nice violin, which is, itself, funded in perpetuity. The job of concertmaster is such a plush position no one retires from the job, there have been exactly three, including Lowe since 1920. This is sorta like how you never hear of a "retired" rockstar, the job is so clutch no one ever stops doing it. He is also a faculty member at Tanglewood, which is a pretty nice place to hang out in the summer. For cultural contribution, longevity, and cool toys none of the other choices beat out this selection (astronauts get cooler toys, though a Strad is pretty darn cool, but their mortality rate is terrible by comparison).

Though all of this fun, we just want Peanut to be happy, healthy, smart and kind. Anything else is a bonus.

Though Jedi Starting Pitcher would be SUPER awesome. Imagine the pick off move.
Tony Sculimbrene