Chivalry is Not Dead

Bianca picked up Ethan at Goddard recently and witnessed a bit of world class chivalry. As she made her way through the school and out into the playground she noticed Ethan in the corner of the playground with a little girl. He was standing between her and something else, something not visible. 

As Bianca got closer she heard Ethan tell the little girl: "Stay back Josie." Then Ethan, filled with all the courage his little two year old body could contain, turned to the invisible something and said: "We no like that." As Bianca edged closer she saw that Ethan was directing his invictive at a spider. Ethan, still standing his ground, then spat defiance at the spider and his menancing (or not) appearance: "You come closer and I punch you in the weenie."

 That was it, that was the ultimate threat from two year old Beethan.  He wasn't having any of it and though he is roughly 1000 times the size of the spider, as was Josie, he had to do his duty and protect her.  And what could be more protective than a 28 inch tall two year threatening to punch you in the weenie?  And that doesn't even account for the fact that I don't think spiders have weenies.
Tony Sculimbrene