Isaac, as all kids do, has developed something of his own lexicon.  After watching Boss Baby he adopted a line from that movie--"oh, poop duty!"  Over time he added to it and it became "poop duty Dino charge!"  Do not ask me what that means or how it came about.  But about once an hour he will be confounded by something and say "poop duty Dino charge!"  I have basically come to expect it.

What I did not expect, though I should have, is his two year old brother, whose capacity for language and desire to speak it are still out of sync, dropping this bit of Isaac lexicon.  It was hard to understand and I missed it a few times.  But then he said it again and I asked for Isaac to translate.  He gave me an eye roll and told me what Ethan was saying.

I was kind of stunned as this is not really something anyone else says other than Isaac.  In the end, Isaac is the center of Ethan's world, and, like beer for Homer Simpson, the cause of and solution to all of Ethan's problems.

The monkey see monkey do (MCMD) kid has taken all sorts of Isaac features and made them his own.  Watching Ethan mimic Isaac doing karate is a belly laugh every time.  Ethan doing the splits is a bit hysterical.  And then there is Ethan mimicking Isaac with Nerf blasters.  This is a moment of true hilarity as this little elf gets very serious, despite the fact that the blaster is almost his same size.

What a delight--we get two kids doing funny stuff all the time.
Tony Sculimbrene