Swear Word Collector
Sorry for the lack of a Monday post, I was busy half-dying from a stomach bug Ethan gave Isaac, who gave it Bianca, who then gave it to me. Ugh.
Anyway, Nanna and P-Pa consider this post a warning. Isaac has become something of an obsessive swear word collector.
If you have a kid under 10, you soon realize that TV just doesn't work for them. The fact that there are commercials, the programs last a half hour at the shortest, and even with on demand, there are limitations to what they can watch, means that
TV just stinks. As these kids get older, it is highly likely that TV as we know it--networks, etc. will just go away for this reason and many others. The real place for kids to be entertained is YouTube. But if you a kid YouTube
has ready access to one thing TV does not--swear words aplenty. I deliberately screen all of Isaac's content, but even the most persistent filter will miss few bad words. Plus, even if I didn't miss them, he'd learn them at school, mainly
from his ornery friend Sheamus, who taught him how to flip people off (but didn't tell him what it meant completely, he said it meant the F-word, but Isaac didn't know what that was either).
The end result is that swear words have become an undiscovered country for Isaac--a place of linguistic power and intrigue. I am 100% in the I could care less camp about swear words, but the rest of society is not and so, with Bianca's urging, we
have tried like China (and in vain) to limit his exposure to swear words. But every time someone says a word he doesn't know with any sort of vigor he thinks it is a swear word ("Astounding!"). Probably once every 15 minutes he is away
I get asked if something is a swear word. And when something is bleeped out, he sits there and tries to figure out the rest of the world for phrase. Right now he is puzzling through the two "P" swear words. He figured out piss, but
the other, female related term, still eludes him. But like a true collector, he will not give up. I can't imagine the joy he would feel if he heard George Carlin's rife on the Seven Words You Can't Say on TV.