I am that Dad...

Isaac had some martial arts competition this past weekend.  Here are the texts I sent Bianca and her responses...

Me:       Won round one probably lost round two.  Kid was an orange belt.
              Round three will be for a medal....
              Medal match

Bianca: Wow way to go I man

Me:       He lost....

Bianca: Oh well.

Me:      Yellow belt won
             Bigger kid too
             Scratch that. He got a medal

Bianca: Very cool...Very cool

Me:       Isaac wants a second medal in noodle wars
             He is very excited
             Final event lots of competitors
             And he is at the bottom of the age bracket
             Double elimination
             This could be a war...
             I am very excited too
             Super intense
             Jackson is a beast...he's Isaac's main competition
             I should have told Isaac to aim for his glasses

Bianca: You are super crazy

Me:       It's noodle WARS
             Isaac just won round 1, head shot
             I couldn't even film it too fast
             He needs one more win to guarantee a medal
             Sorry I am crazy

Bianca: I love every second of this

Me:      The kids are super serious.   Isaac isn't talking to anyone
             Isaac has one loss, head shot
            Orange belt
            He needs to win to make the medals
            Jackson was eliminated
            Isaac is the only white belt and only one two five year olds
           What are we doing for lunch?
Tony Sculimbrene