Ethan Kisses
There is a point of convergence of three different skills that, when taken together, result in something that is both adorable and disgusting at the same time. Frankly, given the evolutionary importance of bonding, it's a miracle we, as a species, ever made it.
Ethan is drooling like a madman (he has finally gotten a top tooth to poke through), he is eating like a piggy, and he is learning to give kisses. The end result is a big sloppy mess. If he wasn't my kid, it would be repulsive, something like kissing the garbage disposal. But he is my kid and so...well you get the idea.
Here is how it happened. Sunday morning Ethan woke up in a seriously bad mood. We had pancakes and Ethan had some baby food (Question: why the weird combinations of things in baby food? Like kale, pineapple, potato...). He cried, howled really, through breakfast and Bianca and I took turns walking him around the house. When it was my turn I took him to my office and stood him on the window sill. This was one of Isaac's favorite spots, so I assumed it would be a good spot for Ethan. And it was.
Slowly over about fifteen minutes he calmed down and began chatting. We stared out the window as a squirrel sprang by. We watched as a bird flew into the backyard, landed on the patio and took off again. He was fascinated. Then, wanting see how he would respond, I asked for an Ethan kiss. In all I got about ten. He would lean over, open his mouth, and cover my mouth. Drool and food were everywhere, but it was precious.
Later in the day he had mastered the pucker and showed off his kissing for his grandparents who watched over Skype. It's amazing to watch kids at this age. They learn a new trick every hour or so. Smooch, smooch.